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I found 8 of the LAST physical "Flower Girls" Coloring Books and drew unique ink/gold drawings in each one! 

Thank you to all who got their first run copy! I am unsure if or when they will be reprinted.

Digital only version on separate page so you don’t pay shipping !

I am so excited to finally present to you my FIRST EVER COLORING BOOK!! Available in both physical AND digital forms! A bit about the physical book:

-16 colorable illustrations based on my "Floral Feb" flower prompt list, for a total of 36 pages. See pictures for flower list!
-Glossy cover and thick, heavy duty uncoated paper inside
-Able to withstand colored pencil, marker, watercolor, and more!
*To be safe, use a piece of paper in between pages if you plan to go heavy with marker or paint! Taping pages down decreases warping with watercolor*

Link to Digital Files will be emailed to you within 1-2 business days

Thank you all so much for supporting my work! Virtual hugs to you all!!
